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Russian Probes

The U.S.S.R. also explored Mars with thier Mars......

The former USSR also sent several probes to Mars. The first series of probes were called Mars. The probes were launched from the USSR's main launch pad. The probes went to Mars, but few were successful. The most successful of the probes was Mars 9, which took photos almost as good as were taken by the Mariner Probes.
The Russians also sent two more probes other than the Mars series probes. Phobos 1 and 2 were meant to study the moon Phobos, which is the moon that is the closest to the planet. Contact was lost with Phobos 1 halfway to Mars. Phobos 2 was nearly to Phobos, and it had already entered orbit, but contact was lost before any information was sent back to Earth. No one knows why.
The U.S.S.R. stopped sending probes to Mars because of the great socialist break-up. The break-up caused the stock market to go down, along with many other things that affected America and Europe in hundreds of different ways, along with the formation of hundreds of new countries.


Polock Crater as seen
by the MGS

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